TRACK LISTING : 1. Part Two 2. There Will be Revenge 3. For Fiona 4. Check For A Pulse 5. Divine LetDown 6. Black Box 7. Bullets 8. Falling is Easier (Part Three) 9. Apparition 10. It's Tragic 11. Killing Time 12. Slowly Fading Fast 13. Overdue Okay, first of all. For the one's waiting for something like ''More Betterness'', ''Making Friends'' or ''Hard Rock Bottom'', stop dreaming, it isn't. Their 7th full length release, ''Keep Them Confused'' is some kind of a continuity of their decline. And they still fall lower and lower in the harming hands of Emo-Poppy PunkRock, with catchy riffs and cheesy lyrics. As usual, Tony Sly comes up with simple and sing-along songs, denuded of originality, complexity, it's complacency at it's finest expression. This CD is W-E-A-K, except for maybe one or two songs that aren't that bad. Part Two Probably the only song that can fit as the opener. It starts kinda directly, no intro with lame sound effects or whatever, this is a great song. The guitar riff is okay, as the CD starts, we already know what we're about to go through; another No Use For A Name CD. There Will be Revenge No power, no attractiveness. The chorus sounds a lot like an Ataris song, the vocal mixing sounds a lot like Chris Roe(The Ataris singer) in the choruses. This is lame. For Fiona The first single off the CD, dammit. The PunkRock Scene is on a jog through hell I tell you. Where is this gonna stop ? Anyway. This song is boring, period. That's so cheesy ! I guess my little sister will probably love this song a lot, but I can't stand listening it. Check For A Pulse The intro is lame, but when the song starts, we discover the fastest drum line of the CD, which is encouraging, regarding that we're only at the 4th track. This song sounds like some old stuff, and there's a line, somewhere in the verse, that sounds EXACTLY like the line ''You'll never see the child, that was forced to be a man'' (Why Doesn't Anybody Like Me?) .. Anyway. Divine LetDown Drum synth intro, announcing .. an 1:41 minutes acoustic song! Fuck yeah ! Thanks ! They curtained the suffering. Black Box That kind of song I will not go too far in my ideas, cause there's nothing to say about it, cause everything have been already said for the other songs. (I mean that it sounds the same.) The chorus is DANGEROUSLY cheezy, Kraft Dinner looks like a fish plate compared to that. Bullets The ''Check For A Pulse'' twin, with the exact same drum line, or almost. Then it goes this way again and again ''ti ta ti ta ti ta ti ta ti ta ti ta''. Falling is Easier (Part Three) What's the deal when you have a Part Two, a Part Three, but no Part One ? Oh, it's some kind of an interlude !!! Totally useless. Apparition ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzZZZzzZZzz. It's Tragic This song is great. The guitar riff is kinda cool I guess.But as usual, the verse destroys the song. This song without verses could be fuckin' rad actually. Killing Time Oh ! A ''Making Friends'' revival !! Powerful chorus with nice verses, the best song of the CD I think. A fuckin' great sing along song, I love it. Slowly Fading Fast Back to hell, our Emo PunkRockers bring us to another step lower with that lame poppy song. 4 Chords is more than enough to make little girls cry I guess. With the Hawthorne Height's-likeish back vocals on the chorus, that's funny. Overdue Because a closer song must be a huge sing along and a cheese macaroni anthem, there you go my friends ! (?w!t?f!) Let's sing !!! Okay. Now you're settled, you can try listening this CD, but be careful, it may be hazardous to your life .. Or your hapiness state. Overall, it's still a NUFAN CD. I actually don't know how the die-hard NUFAN fan's feel about this release, but all I know, is that I almost fell asleep while trying to find some PunkRock into this PunkRock band record. Maybe my little sister should know more than me how to appreciate, but it's not doing it for me, at all. This is actually an honest insult to their fans. So here I go with my final overall note: